My goal for 2015 was to try out some lower level programming languages as well as some functional ones. My eyes have been on GO and Rust for awhile, but do to some unforeseen circumstances I was unable attend a CodeNewbie Code Club event on Rust. I did however complete a Tour in GO and got a very high level understanding of it.
GO basially reminds of C, not that I had much experience with it, but I did do some C work while completing the Havard CS50x course last year.
Some issues I had with GO was forgetting the "returns," With GO being a low level you have explicit call return in the functions as well as handle your own garbage collection. Ruby does so much for you and makes it very nice, especially when learning to program for the first time.
I successfully submitted some code exercism which I will not share in efforts to not give away the answer to the Leap Year kata in GO, but I have to say it was quite challenging passing my first test in GO.
Package management is also handle by you, and I made the mistake of setting my project package to "main," but had the test package as "leap." This took me awhile to figure, but once I did one test passed.
I then had the trouble trying to figure out to return interpolated strings with my Leap Year integer but later found that was unnecessary within the scope of the test, I only needed return the integer, because ethe test was already returning the string for me.
Altogether my experience was ok, but it has wet my appetite enough to want to see this through. I originally installed GO via homebrew, which I also found out that was a big NO! Only because some things that I have heard that there are a few things to be desired once you really get in to GO and homebrew does not provide everything. So while attempting to install GO the right way, I came across too many errors and currently taking a sanity break until I decide give it another go.
If you are learning GO or experienced in GO and would like to pair on my installation process, please reach out.
Thanks for reading and happy hacking!