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Friday, September 5, 2014

How to Install Rspec

*For some reason I thought I wrote a post on this, but it seems I have not.

Gems are wonderful make it easier to add complicated functionally to your add. A large number of gems can be installed and implemented in only a few steps. Installing Rspec can be completed in a few steps and can be even easier if you install in Rails.

1. gem install 'rspec-rails'

If you are working in a Rails application, it is recommended to include the `rspec-rails` gem because of it close association with Rails generators. If you are not using Rails, then the plain `rspec` gem will suffice. Once the gem has been added to your gem file, it may be implemented using `bundle install`

2. Create spec helpers and config files.
This is even easier,the command need to finish the install is `rails generate rspec:install`. This will create all the need fils for add any additional functionality to your testing suite, including auto testers and stuck/mock libraries.

*Please note if you choose to create an application without rails, you will need to install those file manually. I spent 2 hours in a starbucks once trying to figure that out, but that story will be for another post.

3. Place all test in the `/spec` folder and append the `_spec.rb`. This will ensure that the `rspec` command runs all test.

For more clarification on installing Rspec, please see its Github readme. I also recommend a trying it our, since the best way to learn is by doing. Checkout the the examples from the Rspec book.

Also checkout: Ruby for Newbies: Testing with Rspec

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