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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

One Year Into this.

This happens to be a pretty big milestone week for me. This is actually the week I started learning how to program. I remember waking up in the hospital and having the idea of learning how to program.

A year ago I was only in my first class of my MBA and I wrote my first MBA paper on Google. I had recently got interested in them after reading the book In The Plex. The book got me thinking of starting my own journey into programming and thus began my deep dive, feet first.

I had an idea for an application to search churches based on location. I had previously tried to find a church from google but failed to  find any decent results. I had the idea; I jut had no idea where to begin. I thought about getting into iOS but previously attend Android development years ago but lost interest very quickly after realizing you had to learn JAVA. I decided to start in C programming, since it was the most basic, and I used a free course called Computer Science for Everyone. This course seems to be no longer available on the internet, but I do know it is available in questionable places for torrenting, but I rather not link there.

After 2 weeks of that I blew through the basics of C and Computer Science but stumbled upon a video on youtube about learning Ruby/Rails in only a month. I couldn't jump ship any faster, I love this guys drive to learn so quickly and after a quick read on Ruby, I found it to be significantly easier to read. I signed up for his course and that begin my journey with Ruby.

Learning to code is probably one of the best decisions of my life. It not only gave me a new career but also gave an opportunity to use a multitude of my skills.

I have completed an Apprenticeship, started an online community, and even completed the building of applications. I am definitely excited to see what is store for this next year. 

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