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Sunday, November 30, 2014

ember CLI install and murdering my node

Never ever ever sudo with npm installs. I did not know this and probably unknowingly did this all the time. In my early days in Rails I never had an issue, only because once you install Rails it's stalled and be upgraded in the Gemfile. With Javascript, I am quickly finding that a lot of things require the node package manager (npm) to install and upgrade. I recently upgraded my ember to use the ember-cli, came across this sudo errors, but thanks to this homebrew issue thread I was eventually able to solve my problem.

My solution included this premade bash script called "murdering your node." From there I could clean install node and ember-cli.

If you are interested in learning Ember I suggest starting with the ember-cli-101 book. It is hands down the best Ember tutorial I have done and has gotten me pass some of the toughest hurdles I have faced in learning a Javascript MVC framework on my own.

*FYI: just to be clear you can sudo your way through npm, but it is not recommended, especially with ember-cli.

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