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Monday, June 2, 2014

Getting a little nervous but Senior level in sight

Sitting with exactly 15 days from my start date for my new job and I can honestly say the impostor syndrome is kicking in. I definitely underestimated the amount of work it would take in moving to a city 100miles away. My goal was to install the application for my new job locally in order to mess around with it. Instead I spent time with the family, my dad recently flew in from San Diego to see my son and I have also been getting the new apartment organized.

I have however complete 70% of Ruby Koans. My new position Unit Testing rather than Rspec and I have found it to be a good way to engrain the syntax into my brain. I did however not complete my CS169 coursework until the last minute and it is looking like this week will be the same. The good news is I got boxes last night and plan to move this Saturday. I am not sure if I will get through all the books and tutorials I wanted to, but I think I might be pushing myself too much. Again it is most likely the impostor syndrome pushing to do all this prep work prior but I have secretly created a goal for myself to become a Senior level within a year. I am not necessarily looking to get a new title, but would like to have the skillset of one, which includes Javascript!

This will be a crazy week, but the plan is to complete Koans, Complete 2 Jumpstart Labs rails tutorials, as well as the regular Cs169 and Ruby Newbies work. I also picked up POODR and read through the first 2 chapters, which I highly recommend to all Ruby Newbies.

Thanks for reading and following my journey.

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