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Friday, August 1, 2014

Going through the basics

I spent the majority of my time learning Ruby/Rails, I had the assumption I knew how to perform basic things in HTML/CSS and have always been able to Google enough to get by.

Recently I have begun a speed tour through also of the Treehouse Curriculum learning a lot of new things I thought I was an expert on. They recently announced a new Ruby basic section which I completed in its entirety in less than 2 hours. I found even though I already knew most of the content, it was a great review. I also enjoy the teaching style which aloud me to sharpen my skills in the post lecture challenges.

In addition to Ruby I have been working my way quickly through HTML/CSS. A lot of the HTML I didn't know how to do has since been deprecated, which they mentioned, but I never went through a formal course on CSS.

I understood the basic concepts of id's and classes, but not really. I have had a lot of aha moments and really appreciating this opportunity to go through this info. With only being 2 weeks into my free membership, I plan to complete all of the Javascript course and workshop, as well the Ruby, iOS, and HTML/CSS  sections.

What actually has been helping is going through all the courses at 2x speed during my lunch break which allows me to knock a section or more a day. If you have not tried treehouse, I believe there are free 7 day trials available if you google hard enough, but if not the below picture is a link to get 50% off.

In just one month I will probably have completed the majority of my desire learning through Treehouse. I plan to do something very similar with Code School. I have neglecting learning the basic fundamentals in web development and Treehouse has been a great fit, in addition to the books I have been reading on the side (WGR and Confident Ruby).

*If you live in Orlando or come other cities you can a free membership via your local library.


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