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Monday, May 19, 2014

Hired in Week 29

As I write this post it is week 30 of my journey in learning and I have completed 570 hours of my developing journey. I started keeping track of my code about 2 weeks in after reading the book No Degree No Problem by Josh Kemp. After reading the entire book, at work, I created this blog.

In the book Josh mentions that he learned Rails in 8 months of learning how to code on his own to then land a job as a Junior Developer with only 827 hours of learning. In addition to writing this blog I also created a coding log in a Google Doc and recorded every hour I used to learn Ruby. I named the spreadsheet 827 hours as a reminder that I needed to push myself to get at least 3 hours per day in learning, so much that some weekends were consumed code review  and error debugging. My goals was to have a Jr developer position within 1 year, October 31,2014 and was later changed to May after I completed Boc.

As of Friday I received an offer for a full-time Rails position at a company in the state I am in and it took 568 (7months) hours to do it. *I do not mention the amount hours because of competition, but to put in perspective that anyone can do this. I worked 40+ a week and put in 35 hrs a week coding.

No more sales, Now more rails was my tweet earlier today, Because I will now be spending 40 hours a week writing code and not dreaming about it while doing sales. I hope to continue to push myself past that "senior" level position into something pretty awesome.

*This blog is about 5 times longer and was starting to look like a book. I will be breaking it into multiple blog posts and have them released separately, so subscribe to the RSS or my Twitter to get the full developing story of how I got my first dev job.

Thanks and Attributions in no particular order:
+Erik Trautman
+Adam Louis
Tampa Ruby Brigade
+everyone who reads this blog!
...I am sure there are more, but I could not make it this far without the encourage and support I got from you.

If anyone is interested hearing more of my story, I might do another Q&A on Youtube or Reddit, if there is enough interest.


  1. Wow, incredible job! did it SOOOO fast totally kicked my butt (feel like a slacker now) =-) Way to never give up and show others that this really can be done if you do the right steps and work your butt off...AWESOME JOB!!!

  2. Brian, congratulations. I've been following you since November and I'm happy to see you've reached your goal.

  3. Congrats Brian! We're rooting for you here at BlocHQ!

  4. Amazing story and congrats, I've been coding in php for just under a year, and now I'm preparing for an interview with a local development firm and reading your story really inspired me, especially since I'm a single father as well trying to change careers.
