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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Why wearing a bow tie is necessary in an interview.

So today is my first in person interview, which I am super stoked about. It is one thing to do an interview on the phone when you can read your resume and review concepts through Google, but going into the office in person will be entirely different.

The company I am interview at has been around for awhile, but still has the laid back "startup" atmosphere. Despite the laid back atmosphere I have opted to wear a tie, but not just any tie, a BOW TIE! I lke bow ties, and jumped at the opportunity to purchase a new one wear to an interview. In my current job I would never wear a bow tie to an interview though I have instituted Tie Tuesday's within my team where we all dress in bow ties for the day.

So why should you wear a bow tie?

Well I have owned bow ties in the past, but they have all been clip-ons. I never wanted to struggle with tying a bow tie, and never thought "hey I can do this." This is similar to my experiences in web developing, I have made pre-packaged Wordpress and Squarespace pages but never thought I could learn web developing on my own or without a CS degree.

Well if you have read more than one post on my blog, you know that I have completed the initial steps into to web developing, which is why I am going on this interview today. I took on the challenge and succeeded in making multiple web apps, which I will be showcasing in my github portfolio. So last night after 4 tries to self tie my bow tie, I failed. I actually gave up to try in the morning.

This morning it only took me 2 tries and I now have a successful bow tie. I emphasize "successful" and not the word "perfect," since there is no such thing as a perfect bow tie unless its a clip-on. You basically can accomplish anything if you try hard enough and set realistic goals. Because I decided to learn how to create rails applications, its now giving me the new skill of  Bow Tying

* I take willingly take on challenges, which is the message I will be delivering while interview today and is why you  should also challenge yourself and wear a bow tie.

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