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Friday, May 2, 2014

Project Euler problem set

I reached out to a company randomly on twitter asking if they were hiring. They surprisingly responded right away letting me know that I can apply and they will reach out. Prior to me even submitting my resume the CTO reached out to me confirming their interest in speaking with me.

The coding challenge provided include a extremely long questionnaire which I complete after the Ruby Newbie group on Monday. There was a lot of info I was not sure of, mainly in the Front End section, which confirms I need to take a look at that. I did not get a chance to start the 5 problem sets until Tues and it took me an hour to complete the first. The problems are from the Project Euler set and as it says on the the site, once you solve one problem, it gives you a tool to solve the next problem set.

I honestly did not read that before I began and wish I did, because I indeed use tools or approaches from previous problems to solve the next, so if you are attempting, it is good to work in order.

I submitted my problem set to the CTO and am now waiting on the response from them.

Some useful things I learned was to use the Ruby Docs! I completed the first problem with limited Google but quickly found that next one required a lot of reading on Mathematical concepts, which I enjoyed. Not that you need to know a lot of math to program, these problems do require it. I ended up using Ruby magic to solve, which hope is not counted against me. For the Fibonacci theory, I was able to define how to create a Fibonacci number with a loop but for some reason got stuck on how to limit that number to max = 4_000_000. I prefer not to post the code for this in my blog but encourage you to try out problem #2 your self.

I also learning more things like what a stack overflow actually is? Which I got while trying to find the least common multiple for all numbers 1...20

If you don't get it in a couple hours you can check out my github which I have provided notation for what


  1. Brian, nice work! just struggled through this problem myself. took a few hours but worked out. It's feels good to solve these without looking at other solutions just the occasional google search. I checked out your solution, amazing how there are so many ways to solve a single problem. Check out mine here if interested

  2. Yeah, my mind was tired after completing these. I like solutions, and how simple your approach is. Thanks for sharing.
