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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I think I might start a real business. Or at least a business email

I have been strategically taking up the Chuych name in different places on the internet, and although this is not specifically learning Ruby, I would like to share. I am trying to stray away from creating a bunch of social media profiles in replace of an actual app, but I could't help but create a Twitter account in preparation.

I really plan on make my capstone project into a full fledge app for the world. I am really liking some of the ideas I have on it, but I am really trying to stay close to the MVP at launch (Easter). I plan to be my own street and do some life growth hacking to ramp up the user base. On the other hand I do realize there is a chance that my first ever app has a chance to fail and trying to be conservative as possible in spending money towards this as of yet. 

I did however spend 4 bucks on hover to get the email, so my devise emails do not come from my personal email. I am completely ignorant when it comes to domain names and DNS hosting, but creating a forwarding email was easy and cheap.

I have always wanted to this and this finally gave me a reason to. It was only a two step process:

      1. I believe most Domain companies have email creation, but if yours doesn't, I recommend I super excited in giving out and also 

      2. I use gmail, which I did not know you could change your "email from." Instructions on how to do this is here.

I plan on not only finishing my capstone app, but also plan learning how to build the brand of Chuych to ensure it's success. Based on some of the things I have been learning from Pat Flynn, I have created a blog and plan to keep that up on a weekly basis as well as keep up to my 3 times a week quota on this blog (my personal goal).

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