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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Nesting Routes and Learning Basic Ruby again


I spent a good amount of last week working on a error with nesting my routes in the Chuych App. I had a goal of making every user submit a post associated with/without a church, but my other goal was to make the app a minimal viable product. I have decide to nest my route post route in my church route. This makes sense with the association of post to churches. I have also gave up on the idea that anyone can make a general post. I will revisit that later when I have time, my main focus is getting the app complete.

My was due to me not properly calling the nested posted in the church/show.rb

My only task that need completing are the implementation of gmaps for rails and markers, as well as everything Front End. I will most likely just update the app with some bootstrap, my attempt to include the Amoeba template did not implement very clean. I plan to strip out all the assets today and start from scratch.

Ruby Newbies

I have began scheduling a regular Weekend Hangout. The focus will be on Ruby and actually solving real problems in Ruby. I applied to an apprenticeship a month ago only to find out I could not create a Tic Tac Toe app in Ruby without searching extensively in Google. I could get the basics of building the Tic Tac Toe board and a move but that took me 3 weeks.

My goal for the group is get through the Chris Pine Learn to Program Exercises. I have spent a focus on learning Rails, I now need to re-focus on Ruby and solving simple problems.

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