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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Ghost Express/Ember app set up

I have turn my Javascript learning into some kind of renaissanceas of recent. I originally began learning Ember and quickly realized I did not know enough Javascript. I then proceeded to learn Ember and realized I didn't know enough about Node. I then learned Node and Express and glad I did.

Later I took on the challenge of forking the discourse project, which is a large Rails/Ember app and failed getting the pg database started. I gave that up after attempting to get it working after a long week.

I recently attempting the same task with Ghost, a blogging platform, and happy to report I got it up and running. I originally started using the Ghost hosted portion their blog platform 9 months ago, before it was cool. I had hopes of doing what I did today, host a blog on my own, but never got around to that till recently.

Ghost is built with node.js with Ember driving the

Javascript frameworks are new to me and very exciting, and my hope is to move closer towards the "full stack" web developer level.

The task of actually forking the project and following the instructions were very easy especially thanks to this blog post.

Some of the issues I came across was installing postgres in an express.js app, which actually wasn't that bad. All I had to do for that was `npm install pg --save` in the terminal., for some reason I thought had to update the package.json file directly which was not the case. Heroku has a great documentation on pushing a node app, which also helped.

Rails traditional does all that work for you, or at least I think it does.

Finally I push this blog to a public repo and was worried about putting my db info out there for everyone to see, so I searched and found the dotenv node package, which works exactly like the ruby gem.

I am enamored with npm, node, and express and really liking the possibility. As a Rails developer some might think I am jumping ship, but that is very far from the case. There are so many possibilities in app creation and I plan on going into more detail them in a blog post soon.

Check out my work on github


  1. Nice post Brian. I just moved my own blog to yesterday and so far I'm loving it ( Very simple to use, none of the clutter that can weigh some other platforms down. I'm using their hosted service and the experience has been great.

    1. Where are you hosting your blog, if you don't mind me asking?

    2. Hey Brian - I actually went with their hosted option - Ghost(Pro). $10/mon, ends up being $9/mon for 1st year with a promotion they are doing now after you sign up.

      I saw some complaints about price, but for me it was a no-brainer because:
      1) I want to directly support people doing new, innovative projects
      2) I wanted a hassle-free hosting experience. Less fiddling, more writing.
      3) I was paying about the same for SquareSpace

      I found other managed-hosting options out there, like ($5/mon). But I personally worry about the longevity of services if they charge so little, especially since a similar hosting firm named recently closed it's doors.

      Anyway, that's what I chose, but there are lots of options out there. Keep up the good work,

    3. Cool, I am looking to move a few of my apps off heroku collectively. I might just collectively go with AWS. My ghost app was previously hosted with Ghost, but after a year I am looking for something different.
