bloc referral

If you are interested in learning to code with a mentor, try bloc and get $100 off.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 28:

*If you are interested in joining the Bloc mentorship, use my link to receive $100 bucks off. Bloc Referral

So I took the plunge 2 nights ago and got onboard with a Ruby mentor. While surfing around Ruby jobs I saw was hiring a mentor, I then went to to see what they were about. After 12 hours of researching and reading every review out there, I signed up.

My mentor's name is Adam and we start 12/16. I picked that date to start because 12/15 marks the end of this semester for my MBA. I plan to take off the next term since I am one class ahead in the program and will dedicate the rest of my time to learning web developing.

I will keep you all informed on the process. In the meantime I have been given pre-mentor homework to complete.


1 - Already completed a few weeks ago, but did it again in 15mins (it didnt take 4+ hours this time).
2 Ruby Manifesto - 7 page book, sort of a condensed, sarcastic version of  - Made by same company that did Try Ruby. Finished in 15mins
Learn Ruby the Hard Way Book - Saving this for this weekend
5 Javascript Codecademy Lesson

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