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Friday, November 22, 2013

Programming Diversity: Ashe Dryden

I had the please sure of attending a Ruby meetup where Ashe Dryden. Ashe speaks around the world on Programming and Diversity. If you are any way in interest in programming you need to read her blog post that gained a lot of notoriety this week, within the industry.

You can find the post at here: The Ethics of Unpaid Labor and the OSS Community


  1. Just read that entire post by Ashe.. very good stuff! As I've been learning a lot more about web development and the job market, I too have noticed a bit of this, where the employers looks very favorably on a candidate with extensive GitHub activity (esp open source stuff). I like her suggestions on how to fix some of these practices.. like pair programming during interviews, looking at code samples (not just on GitHub), ext

  2. Yep, I am not sure if you have seen my recent post on the Ruby Newbie Community. The group is still in the beginning stages but as it grows I would love to do some practice questions via Google Hangout. There is lot in the works but please feel free to join.

  3. I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Togetherness
