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Monday, April 21, 2014

My first 500 hours

*For those wondering, I have been using the toggl app to keep track of my Ruby studying.

As of last night, I just crossed over my 500th hour, which still quite a while from my 10,000 hours. I hoped to have gain employment in the development field by this point but that might of been pretty aggressive. I am still waiting to hear on the results of my recent interviews, and look forward to hear their feedback.

At the beginning of this year I wrote down my goals and learning materials, which I have listed below.

At a quick glance, I did complete a few of the learning  materials I chose, but there was a lot I completed that was not on my list. The list helped me organize my efforts and focus my learning, rather than just being scattered all over the  place.  I barely even even touch Javascript, other than what I needed to learn to get a working feature in my chuych app. I did however finish CS50x from Harvard, I did not complete any of the C or PHP programming assignments, I did however watch the videos to get a general idea of the language.

As far as my goals for the year, my biggest miss was not contributing to Stack Overflow. I have also not completed any new apps outside of chuych and my goal was to throw together 2 new ones by now. I still plan to create an app I have purchased the domain for called, I will however not complete that many apps each quarter. I will however probably complete more of the Jumpstart Labs tutorials. I feel as if I can get a better understanding of Rails completing those and use that a deadline, rather than my own apps.

My new focus will actually be the Ruby lang as I scale back on some of my Rails learning. I have started and will hopefully start Koans too. I need to get a better understanding problem solving in Ruby and the simple creation of command line applications. I find that to be pretty rewarding, but also something companies are looking for.

As far as competencies and how well I think I did:
I think I could have spent more time learning on the basics. I just recently learned loops properly with Python and don't think I ever really grasped the concept of loops in Ruby for a few months. I feel as if I could be in a position get a position as a web dev in the next 3 months.

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