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Monday, February 10, 2014


I saw this error while working on the airplane last week, I found the following Stack Overflow question. 


My first thought was that I messed something up in my gem file, but a quick search shows that you need to install bundler gem.

install rubygems-bundler
This is confusing since I my app was created using "rails new"

I scrolled down further and found an answer stating the following: "cd into a directory that has a Gemfile"

I was not in the correct folder and I did the same thing this morning. Since I had o look this up twice I thought I would share on my blog in case someone else has the same issue. 

The actual answer was voted 51 times, but was not at the top of the page. Prior to this SO question I would juts look for the first answer but now I will be scrolling down to read all the answers. I realize the right answer might not always be the first. 

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