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Friday, January 3, 2014

Need a break from all this debugging.

I spent my morning learning session in Codecademy's Ruby section. I have completed 68% thus far and hope to eventually finish that last little bit. I started a few weeks ago but never got back into it since Bloc started. I have also postponed Learning Ruby the Hard Way until Codecademy is done, just need to focus finishing one thing.  I find myself a little scattered brain in my learning outside of Bloc due to all these awesome tutorials and ideas I keep finding. I am glad I have auxiliary learning to my main learning to help me out when my brain is racked on one issue. I will need to make a gist wish-list of all the things I want to tackle in addition to my 2014 goals.

As of today I am stuck on a NoMethod Error in my code. My assumption is that I labeled an instance variable as plural with an "s" and called it as a singular. That is my guess because that has been the plague in all my errors....TYPOS!!! I can't tell you how crazy my typos have made me so far but I am grateful from the learning experience it has given me. I am just letting my brain rest until its ready for debugging later today! Looking forward to implementing Rspec next week so I can scale down my debugging time.

My current project is available on git if anyone would like to skim it. Called bloccit32. I am currently on lesson 13/21, which behind my schedule but ahead of schedule for Bloc.

I recently found a site where a devloper fed up with not learning decided to create 180 sites in 180 days. Check her out: Jennifer Dewalt. I am definitely inspired and hope to do something similar once Bloc is over, not only will it be "learning by doing" but it will be an opportunity to learn new things for 6 months straight.

(Another guy, Filip, just started this 180 day project and is currently on day 1.)

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