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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Watching Downton and installing Jekyll

As I write this I watching Downton Abbey (you read that correct) with my wife and running through a Jekyll tutorial. I found this after my researching and emerging from a bunny trail. Its amazing how you try to spend time solving a bug in your app and you end up reading blogs on totally unrelated Rails stuff. I was intrigued with Jekyll and gave it a shot. I already have the framework up and viewing it in http://localhost:4000. Once I get a good handle on rails I plan to learn other frameworks, but for now I will just use it while watching Downton.

Has anyone had experience with Jekyll or gitpages? I am thinking about following through and posting the finish project to

FYI was created using Jekyll.

I also watch the following video yesterday from a talk by @r00k. It was the first Ruby I watched and understood after my 9 weeks of learning Ruby. It was also very fitting since I just learned about Refactoring last week.

1 comment:

  1. hello,
    My favorite tool that has made my process around publishing content to our static site so much speedier is the INK for ALL writing tool’s markdown export tool. You can export Hugo compatible formats as well:
